APAA Enduring Award
What is the APAA Enduring Award?
1: Award Aims
1.1 In 2009 the APAA International President tasked the Special Projects Committee (SPC) to develop a programme for recognising the valuable “engagement, contribution & loyalty (ECL)” of APAA Members in a leadership role, on the basis that this valuable contribution might otherwise go unrecognised, and as a result, APAA and its membership may be the lesser for it.
1.2 The ‘APAA Enduring Award’ (Award) aims to provide an opportunity for APAA to bestow a special “thank you” and to recognise a Member’s outstanding engagement, contribution and loyalty to APAA.
1.3 By recognising the value of Members’ extraordinary service, the reputation of APAA will also be enhanced in the eyes of new and progressing Members.
1.4 A secondary aim of the Award is to encourage the organisation’s newer Members to emulate their recognised forebearers.
1.5 The Award is a lifetime award for the Member and is somewhat rare.
1.6 Awardee selection shall be based on merit. The selection process is to be and seen to be clearly fair, objective and independent of the normal operational machinery of APAA International.
2: Tentative Awardee Profile
2.1 A Qualifying Member will have a minimum service period of 20 years in APAA, including Council Meetings and General Assemblies. Generally, current senior office bearers of APAA international will not qualify.
2.2 A Qualifying Member’s effort, for example their personal contribution through engagement, commitment & loyalty, both past and present is the sole basis for consideration; financial contribution, if any, has no bearing..
2.3 A Qualifying Member will not have been otherwise recognised by APAA International on an enduring basis.
2.4 A Qualifying Member must ordinarily be an APAA Member, although by rare exception the Awards Selection Panel, supported by the President, may consider exceptional circumstances where a non-APAA Member may qualify.
3. Operation
3.1 Grant of an Award is by invitation only. No application for an Award will be considered.
3.2 The Award endures for the life of the member.
3.3 There is no obligation on the Awards Selection Panel, the President or APAA as a whole to make an Award in any year.
3.4 There are no Award rankings and one Award level only.
3.5 The Award is known as the “APAA Enduring Award”, comprising;
- a numbered cast gold pin/brooch (see 4.1 below);
- a consistently representative numbered certificate; and
- a set of name badge decorations
3.6 Awardees are to be photographed after presentation for publication by APAA during the final banquet.
4. Award Insignia
4.1 Recipients of the Award will receive a numbered cast gold pin/brooch symbolising the Awardee standing back to back with others in APAA, arms out-stretched, welcoming others into APAA.
Award Recipients
- Ella Cheong (HK)
- Ichio Shamoto (JP)
- M S Lin (TW)
- Murgiana Haq (SG)
- Oei Tat Hway (ID)
- Sumiko Shimosaka (JP)
- Yoon Bae Kim (KR)
- Boonma Tejavanija (TH)
- Hugh Hodgkinson (AU)
- Jennifer Chiou-Chin Lin (TW)
- Keith Leslie (AU)
- Nobuyuki Matsubara (JP)
- Saburo Kimura (JP)
- Tan Tee Jim, SC (SG
- Kingson C Lai (TW)
- Philip Thoreau (NZ)
- Yoshio Kumakura (JP)
- Aniceto G Saludo, Jr (PH)
- Masashi Kurose (JP)
- Suk-Jae Yim (KR)
- Jordan Kim (KR)
- Kozo Takeuchi (JP)
- Shimizu Tetsuo (JP)
- Amarjit Singh (IN)
- Henry Wheare (HK)
- Michael Soo (MY)
- Caroline Francis (MY)
- Fumihiko Hirose (JP)
- John C Chen (TW)
- Jyoti Sagar (IN)
- Minako Mizuno (JP)
- Pablo Gancayco (PH)
- Robin Bridge (HK)
- Woon Chooi Yew (SG)
- Alban Kang